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Manage your redirects: Routes tab

Add/edit a redirect

To create a new redirect, click on the Add button above the table. A drawer opens in which you can enter all the required details. By clicking on any table row or selecting the dropdown option, you can edit an existing route - or delete it:

Edit a redirect


The URL segment after your site's domain, which you would like to catch and redirect. It can be a static path, e.g. team, or you can use placeholders to define dynamic redirects, e.g. blog/(:all). Dynamic redirects use Kirby's route patterns as placholder.

Redirect to

Choose the target of your redirect. There are several options what to enter in this field:

UrlURL to an external website (e.g.
PageChoose one of your pages via the link picker
CustomRelative path inside your site (e.g. blog/2018/a-nice-story)
Customerror to return the site's error page
CustomLeave empty to let the browser request fail (for HTTP status codes not in the 3xx range)

If you are using placeholders in your path, you can use the matched value here as well via $1, $2, ...

project/(:any)/photos  =>  project/$1/gallery
blog/(:any)/(:all)     =>  notes/$1/entries/$2


The HTTP status code the redirect will respond with.

  • Only status codes in the 3xx range will actually redirect the request to the new location (URL in browser actually changes).
  • All other status code options either return the target page at the specified path (URL stays the same); or the browser request fails with the selected HTTP status code (empty Redirect to field).
  • If you select the disabled option, the redirect is ignored/inactive.

Has priority

If the priority flag is activated, the redirect route will overrule any existing pages as well. With this option deactivated, only non-existing paths can be redirected.


A simple text field to leave notes for yourself and others, e.g. why this redirect is necessary.

Created by

Retour automatically adds the current user as context information, e.g. when working in a team.

Sort and filter

By clicking on the table headers you can change the sorting of the routes table, to get a better overview of your existing routes. Via a button above the table - next to the Add button - you can also toggle the search input which will allow you to filter the table rows by your search term.